How We’re Changing the Air

Did you know that our air is a major contributor to climate change? The burning of fossil fuels releases gases and chemicals into the air. These gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, affect the climate. They also contribute to climate change because they raise the earth’s temperature. Heat from the sun causes smog, which increases air pollution. Smog also increases the amount of ultraviolet rays in the air.
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Harvard Chan School researchers study how carbon emissions affect our health. They study building materials and land use, and they use massive data sets to study public health trends. While these studies are largely new, they build on the pioneering work of Alice Hamilton and the Six Cities study, which tracked the health of thousands of people for more than two decades. The results of this study show a strong link between high particulate levels and cardiovascular disease. All Movies Download From UWatchFree
Another source of air pollution is particulate matter from diesel engines. These gases affect our climate by darkening snow and ice. This causes less sunlight to reflect back into space, contributing to global warming. Moreover, warmer temperatures cause sub-Artic plants to grow. These plants cast shadows on the earth, which also contributes to further warming. And so the question arises: How are we changing the air?know more WPC 2025
Climate change has increased the number of allergens in the air. The longer the pollen season, the higher the levels of allergens, which cause asthma and other health problems. During heat waves, air stagnates, concentrating particulate matter and other pollutants. As a result, drought conditions increase particulate pollution. The increase in carbon monoxide in the air is another major contributor to the climate change problem. You Get all Info About Fast Food Restaurant